I asked you a simple question! Do you love her? YES! But don't hold that against me, I'm a little screwy myself!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tony Danza Cuts in Line

I have had "Old School Hollywood" by System of a Down stuck in my head for days. And since the refrain of that song is "Old school Hollywood baseball/Me and Frankie Avalon," it's no surprise that I've been thinking up my own fantasy old school Hollywood baseball team.

Managed by Groucho Marx and armed with a powerful arsenal of intimidation and distraction, the Fighting Moguls will cut a swathe through the competition. Here's the line-up:

1. Cary Grant as pitcher. I like him in the thick of things.

2. Joan Crawford as catcher. This is the intimidation part. When she's not glaring a batter down or aiming a spiked heel at a runner to protect home base, she'll be deriding them with anal retentive comments about the cleanliness of their uniforms.

3. Katherine Hepburn at first base. Because someone on the field should actually be able to play.
4. William Powell at second base. He's just a good guy in a pinch.

5. Clark Gable at third base. Again with the intimidation. The right-handed batters will be able to see him out of the corner of their eyes from home. He'll just be there, smiling that Clark Gable I've-got-something-up-my-sleeve-and-only-I'm-gonna-like-it smile.

6. Marilyn Monroe as shortstop. She's the cornerstone of the distraction strategy. She'll be right over the pitcher's shoulder in the batter's line of sight.

7. Harpo Marx in left field. A different and yet equally important form of distraction. I'm counting on Harpo's antics to keep batters' eyes off the ball.

8. Carol Lombard in center field. I just think she'd have fun out there with Harpo.

9. Danny Kaye in right field. Distraction for those left-handed batters.

Alternates: Jane Russell, Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day

So there. My fantasy old school Hollywood baseball team could totally beat yours. If you made one. Which you should. It's fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, you've got a lot of distraction, but can they play? catch, throw, bat even?

6:54 AM

Blogger Stephanie Elise Burns said...

Of course they can play. They got through the fantasy old school Hollywood baseball draft, didn't they?

8:01 AM

Blogger Steve Caratzas said...

I present my own version: the absolute terrors of The B-List/Indie Actors Fantasy Baseball League, The Second String All-Stars.

Vernon Dent (manager) – Veteran of countless Three Stooges shorts excels at exploding in red-faced frustration.

Vincent Gallo (pitcher) – Has the most important ingredient - hopeless narcissism - for this important position.

Jan-Michael Vincent (catcher) – Won’t notice when thrown bats strike him in the noggin.

Leo Gorcey (first base) – When not busy getting married and divorced repeatedly, he will keep opposing runners honest.

Mickey Rourke (second base) – No one would ever try to spike him in an effort to break up a double play.

Kevin Corrigan (third base) – Might not possess the necessary range to get the ball back to first, but his "aw shucks" demeanor more than compensates.

Steve Buscemi (shortstop) – Lean, mean and wiry to the nth degree, he will own this position.

Seymour Cassell (left field) – Even at his advanced age he can run better than Darryl Strawberry could in his prime.

Gary Busey (center field) – As long as he doesn't try to commandeer the relief pitchers' gold cart sans helmet, he should be fine out there.

Jack Gilford (right field) – Ceaseless kvetching will drive opposite field hitters to distraction.

Lon Chaney Jr. (pinch hitter) – Don't think, Lon, just swing.

1:29 PM


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